We need to share our Scratch work publicly so that anyone can view it without experiencing any problem.
Category: Scratch
Scratch: Mouse to Muffin maze, Repeat Block, If Then, and Condition Blocks
This means that our If Then and Condition blocks should be inside a Forever Loop block.
Scratch: If-Else-Condition and Relational Operators
Whenever the condition evaluates to true then the blocks inside it will be executed, otherwise, the computer will simply ignore and proceed to the blocks outside the If-Condition block.
How to embed your Scratch project on your Google Sites webpage?
Here are the steps to put your Scratch project on your Google Sites page.
Scratch Calculator 2, Delay, and Switch Costumes
The two numbers and answers are shown. The cat can face left or right (switch costumes).
Scratch Calculator Project: Total, Difference, Product, and Quotient
As you noticed from the Scratch project above, the character asked for two numbers from the user, then, displays the Total, Difference, Product, and Quotient of those two numbers
Why do you need to make and use your variables?
A variable should have one specific value at any given time. You do not want your feet to share with someone else’ feet on the same shoes at the same moment, right?
Basic Input and Output Scratch program
The Scratch program above shows an example of a program interacting with the user.